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BRSC Statement: Signal Early

The Bermuda Road Safety Council highlights the importance of early signaling to enhance road safety. Signaling early helps inform other road users of your intentions, allowing them to react safely and prevent accidents.

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Monthly Statement

BRSC Statement: Signal Early

The Bermuda Road Safety Council highlights the importance of early signaling to enhance road safety. Signaling early helps inform other road users of your intentions, allowing them to react safely and prevent accidents.
Road Safety

April Helmet Winner

Congratulations to our first helmet winners, the Gilbert family!
Monthly Statement

BRSC Statement: Obey Traffic & Road Signs

April's focus from the Bermuda Road Safety Council is Obey Traffic and Road Signs. These signs are crucial for safe driving, providing vital information about road conditions and regulations.
Monthly Statement

BRSC Statement: Maintain Your Distance

Maintaining a safe distance while driving is crucial for road safety. Tailgating in Bermuda is dangerous, leaving no time to react if the vehicle in front stops suddenly.
Monthly Statement

BRSC Statement: Focus on the Road

Last year, Bermuda Police reported 1,090 collisions, with 228 caused by inattention, resulting in fatalities and serious injuries. As we enter February, let's prioritize safe driving by staying focused, eliminating distractions, and remaining alert behind the wheel. Remember: avoid drinking and driving, drive with care, and slow down for a safer Bermuda.
Monthly Statement

BRSC Statement: New Year Use Your Safety Gear

As we step into the new year, our hearts are heavy with the memory of the lives lost and families affected by road accidents in the past year. However, amidst these challenges, we're determined to usher in a safer era for our roads in 2024. Join us as we reiterate the importance of road safety and share key resolutions to ensure a secure and responsible driving culture for all.
Monthly Statement

BRSC Transportation Plan

The Bermuda Road Safety Council urges event planners to implement transportation plans during the holiday season to prevent drunk driving. They recommend arranging safe transport, like minibuses or taxis, for guests consuming alcohol. The BRSC stresses the importance of driving cautiously and avoiding alcohol to ensure safer roads.
Monthly Statement

BRSC Statement: Designated Driver/Designate Your Driver

The Bermuda Road Safety Council's December slogan, "Designated Driver/Designate Your Driver," highlights the critical issue of drunk driving. The campaign urges the community to designate sober drivers, use alternative transportation, intervene when necessary, and support law enforcement to ensure road safety, especially during the holiday season.
Monthly Statement

BRSC Statement: Better Late than Never. Slow Down.

The Bermuda Road Safety Council's November slogan, "Better Late than Never/Slow Down," highlights the critical issue of speeding, which is a leading cause of accidents and fatalities. The campaign focuses on education, enforcement, technology, and community engagement to promote responsible driving and reduce the severe consequences of speeding, emphasizing that safety is a shared responsibility.
Monthly Statement

BRSC Statement: Pedestrian Safety (Stop/Look/Listen)

The Bermuda Road Safety Council's focus for the month is Pedestrian Safety, emphasizing the shared responsibility to ensure safe and accessible streets for all. By obeying traffic laws, staying alert, and promoting pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, the community can reduce accidents, encourage healthy lifestyles, and enhance overall well-being.
Monthly Statement

BRSC Statement: Signal Early

The Bermuda Road Safety Council's September slogan, "Signal Early (using indicators)," emphasizes the importance of using turn signals properly to prevent accidents and enhance road safety. Partnering with CG Insurance, the council also highlights the significance of life insurance and planning for unforeseen events while urging drivers to adopt responsible driving behaviors for a safer Bermuda.
Monthly Statement

BRSC Statement: Don't Drink and Drive

Stick to the Wicket! Don't Drink and Drive! Bermuda Road Safety Council Statement for August 2023.
Road Safety

BRSC Cup Match Safety Message

The Bermuda Road Safety Council Chairman shares a message of safety for all over the Cup Match holiday. Stay Safe Bermuda
Monthly Statement

Road Safety Statement- July 2023

Chance Takers Are Accident Makers: BRSC on the Importance of Road Safety during the Summer Months
Road Safety

Become a Member of the Junior Road Safety Council 2023/2024

The Junior Road Safety Council is recruiting Members for the 2023/2024 year. Become a part of the Council, and let your voice be heard in helping to change the mindsets of other young road users.
Road Safety

Prepare Your Vehicle for Hurricane Season

The Atlantic Hurricane Season runs from June 1 - November 30. While we make plans to prepare and secure our homes during a hurricane, we must also secure our vehicles. The Bermuda Road Safety Council shares a few tips to ensure you and your vehicle weather any storm safely.
Road Traffic Notices


Road Traffic Notices

Public Advisory: Summer Socialising Awareness Advice

The Bermuda Police issues advice for the general public to keep safe while enjoying the Bermuda Carnival and Bermuda Heroes Day activities.
Road Safety

Bermuda Records 6th & 7th Road Traffic Deaths

Two persons in as many days succumbed to their injuries after being in a road traffic incident.
Road Safety

Minister Weeks Addresses Weekend Road Traffic Incidents

Minister Weeks Addresses Weekend Road Traffic Incidents
Monthly Statement

Road Safety Statement- June 2023

Alert Today – Alive Tomorrow (Sleep-Deprived Driving). June 2023 Road Safety Statement
Road Safety

RSW 2023 - Everyone's Life Matters

Everyone has the right to safe passage on the roads. Take care in your choices. They impact us all.
Road Safety

RSW 2023 - Zero Tolerance

Alcohol consumption reduces your reaction time and increases the chances of getting in a road traffic incident. If you plan to drink, don't drive. Make other, safer arrangements for getting around.
Road Safety

RSW 2023 - No Need to Speed

Speeding increases the likelihood of being in a road traffic incident, and increases the potential for serious damage to yourself or others. Slow Down. It's not worth it.
Road Safety

RSW 2023 - Look Out for Each Other

It is the responsibility of all road users to look out for others to prevent and reduce road traffic incidents.
Road Safety

RSW 2023 - On the Road Safety

262 Accidents were caused by inattention in 2022. Distracted Driving puts you and all road users in danger. Make smarter choices. Don't drive distracted
Road Safety

RSW 2023 - Take the Road Safety Pledge

Take the pledge for road safety. Changing Minds, Changing Behaviours
Road Safety

RSW 2023 - Remembering Lives Lost

Everyone knows someone who has lost their lives or been seriously injured due to a road traffic incident on Bermuda's roads. Please take the time to remember those we have lost, and all those lives affected.
Road Safety

Road Safety Week 2023 Opening

All are welcome to come to City Hall Lawn on Monday, May 15, 2023 from 12pm - 2pm for the opening of Road Safety Week 2023
Road Safety

Road Safety Week 2023 Announcement

May 14-20, 2023 is Road Safety Week. The topic is Changing Minds, Changing Behaviours. It is all our responsibility for safety on our roads. Engaging in poor driving behaviours makes the roads unsafe for us all.
Monthly Statement

Road Safety Statement- May 2023

2Wheels, 4 Wheels, 1 Road for Everyone. May 2023 Road Safety Statement
Monthly Statement

Road Safety Council Monthly Statement - Maintain Your Distance

Maintain Your Distance According to the Traffic Code Handbook which states: “Oneway of keeping a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front is by leaving a gap of at least two seconds. However, remember your overall stopping distance depends on your speed and the condition of the road surface. The distance should be at least doubled (4 seconds) in wet weather and for night conditions.”
Road Safety

Bermuda Records 4th Road Traffic Fatality for 2023

Bermuda Records 4th Road Traffic Fatality for 2023 following an investigation into a collision on February 22, that resulted in the death of 50-year-old Robert Simmons.
Monthly Statement

Road Safety Awareness Monthly Topic-March 2023: Maintain Your Distance

Bermuda Road Safety Council Road Safety Awareness Monthly Topic-March 2023: Maintain Your Distance
Road Safety

Operation Vega Update for February 2023

During the month of February 2023, 358 traffic tickets were issued, down from 490 in the previous reporting period. In addition, in this reporting period 56 motorist advice notices (official written warnings) were issued, down from 73 in the previous reporting period.
Road Safety

11 Impaired Driving Arrests during advertised Road Side Sobriety checkpoints.

11 Impaired Driving Arrests during advertised Road Side Sobriety checkpoints.
Road Safety

Bermuda Records 2nd Road Traffic Fatality for 2023

In as many days, Bermuda records its 2nd road traffic fatality for 2023. 38-year-old Jason Simmons was seriously injured in a single-vehicle incident on Somerset Road, Sandys, on Tuesday, January 31.
Road Safety

Bermuda Records 1st Road Traffic Fatality for 2023

Bermuda Records 1st Road Traffic Fatality for 2023. On Sunday, January 29, police were called to a multi-vehicle collision involving 4 motorcycles and a car on South Road, Southampton. Unfortunately, one of the riders, 40-year-old Miguel Butterfield was seriously injured during the collision and ultimately succumbed to his injuries.
Monthly Statement

Road Safety Awareness Topic - February 2023: Focus on the Road

Bermuda Road Safety Council Road Safety Awareness Topic for February 2023: Focus on the Roads. Distracted Driving is a leading cause of accidents in Bermuda. Distracted Driving is anything that takes your eyes and mind off driving. This includes texting, taking a call, eating, and personal grooming. Cautios Drivers = Safer Roads = Safter Bermuda
Monthly Statement

Road Safety Statement- February 2023

Focus on the Road. Anything that takes your attention away from driving can be a distraction. Sending a text message, talking on a cell phone, and eating while driving are a few examples of distracted driving. Any of these distractions can endanger you, your passengers, and others on the road.
Monthly Statement

Road Safety Awareness Monthly Topic-January 2023: New Year Use Your Safety Gear

BRSC Monthly Statement - January 2023: New Year, Use Your Safety Gear. Being aware of your surroundings whether a pedestrian or vehicle user is important. Using safety and reflective gear, and being aware of others on the road goes a long way to keeping all road users safe.
Road Safety

Hurricane Safety Driving Tips

As Hurricane Fiona approaches, the Bermuda Road Safety Council wants to remind you that driving in the aftermath of a hurricane can be dangerous.
Road Safety

Eighth Road Traffic Fatality

Bermuda suffered our eighth road traffic fatality with the passing of 22 year old Troni Aisha Robinson-Burgess.
Road Safety

Road Safety on The Daily Hour

Chairman Lister recently made an appearance on The Daily Hour to discuss the status of road safety in Bermuda.